VSEA Member’s Idea To Generate Some Money Is Used As Bargaining Chip By Legislators & Surrendered!

From 5/10 VtNewsGuy Blog Post: "[Gov. Douglas] didn’t like what they had agreed on, he said, even though they had stripped out one small tax increase

Called the “Domestic Production Deduction,” the tax break, according to the Center on Budget and Priorities, primarily favors “large corporations over small businesses.”

Another $2 million-plus to make up from somewhere. Wonder where?

Voice Of Reason: Column Advocates For Rainy Day Funds

"Now the Legislature feels stuck. Many lawmakers don’t like the implementation plans, but the savings have already been booked, and they want to end the session this weekend. If they don’t get all of the efficiency savings they were counting on, they’ll have to make other cuts."

Letter Writer Says “Use The Rainy Day Funds”

"[Legislators] must understand that [the State] will not miss any opportunity to cut more public services or come after state workers once again. It is incumbent on them to use the rainy day funds to prevent further decimation of our state government."

Seven Days Shay Totten On Possible VSEA Primary Endorsement

"On May 18, candidates of all parties will genuflect before the Vermont State Employees Association. The VSEA, which represents about 7500 current and retired state government workers, amended its bylaws last September to allow the organization to make a primary endorsement. The VSEA has seen its ranks thin in the past few years due to staff cuts, and its members have seen wage cuts, too. Makes you wonder what they’ll want to hear from candidates. VSEA’s executive committee will decide who, if anyone, to endorse, and will forward the name, or names, to a 150-member VSEA council for approval. The council’s vote could come in mid-June."

What they want to hear from candidates?? Hmmm. Good question. Maybe start with "Please choose one word to best describe the treatment of state employees in the past few years by the State and legislators?"

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