Need To Contact A VSEA Union Steward? Find A Steward Here!
What Is A Union Steward?

A union steward is a highly regarded VSEA member-leader within a worksite who advocates for other members. They play a vital role in resolving workplace issues, addressing members’ concerns, strengthening the union, safeguarding the contract, and constantly enhancing their stewardship abilities.
The VSEA Steward Program offers a comprehensive set of training sessions specifically designed to address the unique challenges encountered by members and state employees. The role of a steward is pivotal within a labor union, carrying significant importance. It is imperative for stewards to partake in ongoing training, fostering relationships, and collaborating with fellow stewards, member-leaders, and VSEA staff. By working together, we contribute to the growth of a more robust VSEA and effectively advocate for the dedicated workers who deliver essential state services for the betterment of the public.
Become A Steward!
Interested in becoming a VSEA Steward? Click the links below to view/download the application forms available.
If you are in the Non-Management Bargaining Unit, please use the NMU Steward Application below. All other bargaining units should use the General Steward Application.
Please return applications to VSEA HQ via email: VSEA@VSEA.ORG, or mail/ drop off applications to VSEA, 155 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
VSEA Steward Facebook Group:
If you are a VSEA Steward, click here to be redirected to the VSEA Steward Facebook Group
VSEA Steward and Member Trainings
Looking for an upcoming Steward or member training?
Click here to view the current trainings available!
VSEA Steward Program Online Training Materials
Steward Forms and Downloads
Click the links below to download the forms available.
PDF Downloads:
The Basics To Being A Strong Local Steward
VSEA Complaint and Grievance Process
VSEA Investigation Meeting Form
Word Document Downloads:
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