VSEARC — Meet Your Lifelong Union Chapter!

We are You. You are Us

Your Union continues to work for you after you retire!

VSEA Retirees’ Chapter Officers, Whom You Elected to Represent You In These Challenging Times:

Chapter President: Tom Giffin
Vice President: Bob Hooper
Clerk: Sue Viens
Treasurer: Theresa Lefebvre

VSEA Retirees’ Chapter Board of Trustees:

Dist. #1: Holly Peake (Washington/Orange)
Dist. #2: Sally Carpenter (Essex/Orleans)
Dist. #3: Dave Clark (Caledonia/Lamoille)
Dist. #4: Vacant (Franklin, Grand Isle, & Chittenden)
Dist. #5: Vaughn Works
Dist. #6: Nancy Robinson (Windham/Windsor)

At-Large: Jane Osgatharp

The VSEA-RC Board of Trustees (also sometimes called executive committee) is made up of the five chapter officers, the six district trustees, and the at-large trustee.

VSEA Retirees’ Chapter Council Members:

Sally Carpenter

Dave Clark

Terry Lefebvre

Holly Peake

Sue Viens

Vaughn Works


Rose Lucenti

Susan Ransom-Kelley

What do you need?

Get in touch!

Phone: 802-223-5247
TOLL-FREE 800-427-5247

Email: VSEARetirees@gmail.com


Would you like to become a member of the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter?

The dues are only $12.00 per year. Click here for an application or for
more information!

VSEA Retirees’ Chapter Or VRSEA

What’s The Difference?

As Treasurer of the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter, I get many calls from retired members asking why they have received information from two different organizations, and what the differences are between the two groups. I hope to answer these questions in this writing.



First and foremost, the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter is an actual chapter of our union, the Vermont State Employees’ Association, Inc., or VSEA.  Our membership is comprised of people who worked for the State of Vermont or State Colleges and were dues-paying members of our union during their employment.   To be eligible for chapter membership, you must be a Lifetime Member of VSEA and must pay chapter dues. Currently chapter dues are $12.00 per year, or $1.00 per month if you opt for automatic payment through the Retirement Division of the State Treasurer’s office.



VSEA Retirees’ Chapter members work closely with working VSEA members.  Chapter members are able to serve on VSEA Committees, such as Legislative and Benefits Advisory.  Retirees are often called to provide testimony to legislators, join working members at rallies, and we are always in a constant battle to maintain our retirement and health care benefits.  We are also eligible to continue our participation in the VSEA Advantage Program, which includes the extended vision care program, discounts at local businesses, and discounted insurance programs.



The VRSEA is a separate, non-affiliated organization.  In 1992, a past-president of VSEA became president of the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter.  This person approached the VSEA Board and asked that former state employees who had never been members of VSEA be allowed to join the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter.  This included people who had been classified employees throughout their careers and had refused to join and support our union, and also managers, confidential employees and exempt employees and their spouses.  The VSEA Board of Trustees and the VSEA Council denied this request, as all VSEA chapters are comprised of VSEA members who have paid dues and supported our union during their working careers.



In response, this group decided to form a separate organization, and called this organization Vermont Retired State Employees’ Association, or VRSEA.  While their website states they “represent” retired state employees and the Vermont Legislature has recognized them as an organization allowed to lobby on behalf of retired Vermonters, VSEA is, by statute, the exclusive bargaining agent allowed to represent state employees and retirees at the bargaining table.  Retired state employees receive the same  health insurance and dental insurance plans that are negotiated for working state employees.  VSEA’s bargaining teams negotiate these benefits.



The similarity in the name of the VRSEA continues to confuse many new retirees.  Many have paid $20.00 in dues to this organization believing they were joining the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter.  VRSEA claims to be the longest existing group representing retired state employees. This is not an accurate statement.  VRSEA was established in 1992 and was first registered at the Secretary of State’s office in 2003. VSEA was incorporated in 1944.  Our Retirees’ Chapter was started in 1966. While the chapter was not very active in the late 1990s, it was re-invigorated in the early 2000s and is now an active chapter with a growing membership.



While retirees are able to join both organizations, only the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter is part of YOUR union, the VSEA.



If you have questions concerning the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter, feel free to contact call VSEA at 802-223-5247 and ask for my (Theresa “Terry” Lefebvre) telephone number or that of our current Chapter President Tom Giffin or Chapter Vice President Bob Hooper.





Protecting Your Interests

You worked hard, you fought, and you earned your benefits. You know better than anyone that your benefits have to be protected in your retirement.


Continuing your VSEA membership through the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter keeps you plugged in:

  • Through our collective strength, we have held off the retiree benefit reductions that “budget-slashing” State Houses around the country have imposed on public-sector retirees. 
  • The VSEA Retirees’ Chapter protected your pension plan from benefit decreases by winning a minimum COLA bill (minimum = 1%).

For an annual membership fee of $12, you connect with:


  • VSEA’s talented lobbying and legal teams; 
  • The union’s many benefits and bargaining experts; 
  • Representation at the State House in any discussions about your benefits; 
  • Great communication with our Congressional delegation (working for you to prevent cuts to Social Security and Medicare); and 
  • Solidarity with seniors’ and retirees’ groups throughout the U.S. dedicated to protecting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans’ benefits.




We love being able to share our wisdom and experience with Vermont’s next generation of worker-leaders. We stay in close touch with other Chapters, VSEA H.Q. staff, and rank-and-file worker-leaders in the work-sites. When they need us, we bring our support in depth!

Solidarity Opportunities: Click Here!

VSEA-RC Governance & Transparency

Who is on the Executive Committee (board of trustees) of my chapter? Click Here!
Who are the Retirees’ representatives to the VSEA Council? Click Here!


Would you like to become a member of the VSEA Retirees’ Chapter?

The dues are only $12.00 per year. Click here for an application or for
more information!