Contact VSEA Council Members

The VSEA Council, which includes over 120 members in full representation of the diversity of VSEA, meets quarterly to guide the union. The VSEA Council retains the authority to override the Board of Trustees. One Council seat is allotted per every 50 members in a Department or Chapter, with a maximum of 10 seats per Department and 6 seats per Chapter. Additional VSEA Council seats are allotted to VSEA Bargaining Unit Chairs as well as VSEA Committee Chairs.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a VSEA Council member please email You can also click here to sign up online.

See Also:

The VSEA First Vice President conducts Council meetings but does not vote. The VSEA First Vice President will only vote to break a tie.

VSEA First Vice President

Margaret Crowley


Each member of the VSEA Board of Trustees holds a seat on the VSEA Council.

View The VSEA Board of Trustees

Each bargaining unit chairperson holds a seat on the VSEA Council.

View VSEA Unit Chairs

Each VSEA committee chairperson holds a seat on the VSEA Council.

View VSEA Committee Chairs

Chapter Council Delegates

Each VSEA Chapter President holds a seat on the VSEA Council as well as additional Chapter Delegates listed here: View a full list of VSEA Chapter Council Delegates here or select your Chapter below:

AddisonNewport/Island Pond
BarreNortheast Kingdom/St. Johnsbury
Central VermontSpringfield
ChittendenVermont State Hospital
Franklin/Grand IsleWaterbury
Lamoille ValleyWhite River Junction

Departmental Council Delegates

Each department of Vermont State Government is represented on the VSEA Council. View a full list of VSEA Departmental Council Delegates here or select your department below:

Administration AgencyJudiciary
Aging and Independent Living (AHS)Labor
Attorney GeneralLiquor Control
Auditor of AccountsLottery
Buildings & General Services (Admin)Mental Health
Children and Families (AHS)Military
Commission on WomenNatural Resources Agency
Commerce Community DevelopmentNatural Resources Board
Corrections (AHS)Personnel (Admin)
Criminal Justice Training CouncilPublic Safety – Civil
Defender GeneralPublic Safety – Sworn
Digital Service Agency (Admin)Public Service Board
Enhanced 911 BoardPublic Service Dept.
EducationSecretary of State
Environmental Board (ANR)Tax Dept (Admin)
Environmental Conservation (ANR)Transportation Agency
Finance and Management (Admin)Treasurer’s Office
Financial RegulationVermont Health Access (DVHA)
Fish and Wildlife (ANR)Vermont Housing Authority
Forests and Parks (ANR)Vermont Veterans’ Home
Green Mountain Care BoardVermont State University
Health (AHS) 
Human Services Agency 

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