VSEA Council Members – Departmental Council Delegates

One Council seat is allotted per every 50 members, with a maximum of 10 seats per Department and 6 seats per Chapter. Current seats expire on September 30, 2024. 

Learn more about how VSEA is structured.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a VSEA Council member or if you would like to report an error, please email vsea@vsea.org

Jump To Your Departmental Council Delegates:

Administration AgencyJudiciary
Aging and Independent Living (AHS)Labor
Attorney GeneralLiquor Control
Auditor of AccountsLottery
Buildings & General Services (Admin)Mental Health
Children and Families (AHS)Military
Commission on WomenNatural Resources Agency
Commerce Community DevelopmentNatural Resources Board
Corrections (AHS)Personnel (Admin)
Criminal Justice Training CouncilPublic Safety – Civil
Defender GeneralPublic Safety – Sworn
Digital Service Agency (Admin)Public Service Board
Enhanced 911 BoardPublic Service Dept.
EducationSecretary of State
Environmental Board (ANR)Tax Dept (Admin)
Environmental Conservation (ANR)Transportation Agency
Finance and Management (Admin)DMV
Financial RegulationTreasurer’s Office
Fish and Wildlife (ANR)Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
Forests and Parks (ANR)Vermont Housing Authority
Green Mountain Care BoardVermont Veterans’ Home
Health (AHS) Vermont State Colleges
Human Services Agency 

Administration Agency (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Aging and Independent Living (AHS) (4 Seats)

Agriculture (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Attorney General (1 Seat)

Auditor of Accounts (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Buildings & General Services (Admin) (4 Seats)

Children and Families (AHS) (10 Seats)

Commission on Women (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Commerce Community Development (1 Seat)

Corrections (AHS) (10 Seats)

Criminal Justice Training Council (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Defender General (1 Seat)

Digital Service Agency (Admin) (4 Seats)

Enhanced 911 Board (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Education (2 Seats)

Environmental Board (ANR) (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Environmental Conservation (ANR) (3 Seats)

Finance and Management (Admin) (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Financial Regulation (1 Seat)

Fish and Wildlife (ANR) (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Forests and Parks (ANR) (1 Seat)

Green Mountain Care Board (1 Seat)

Health (AHS) (8 Seats)

Human Services Agency (1 Seat)

Judiciary (3 Seats)

Labor (3 Seats)

  • Vacant Seat
  • Vacant Seat
  • Vacant Seat

Library (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Liquor Control (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Lottery (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Mental Health (3 Seats)

Military (1 Seat)

Natural Resources Agency (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Natural Resources Board (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Personnel (Admin) (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Public Safety – Civil (3 Seats)

  • Vacant Seat
  • Vacant Seat
  • Vacant Seat

Public Safety – Sworn (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Public Service Board (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Public Service Dept. (1 Seat)

Secretary of State (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

State’s Attorneys’ Offices (1 Seat)

Tax Dept. (Admin) (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Transportation Agency (10 Seats)

DMV (3 Seats)

Treasurer’s Office (1 Seat)

  • Vacant Seat

Vermont Health Access (DVHA) (5 Seats)

Vermont Housing Authority (1 Seat)

Vermont Veterans’ Home (VVH) (3 Seats)

  • Vacant Seat
  • Vacant Seat

Vermont State Colleges (4 Seats)

Northern Vermont University – Lyndon

Vermont Technical College

Castleton University

  • Vacant Seat

Northern Vermont University-Johnson

  • Vacant Seat

Questions About This Page?

Please email vsea@vsea.org.