Workers Testify In Support Of Proposal 3 At Tuesday Night Public Hearing
Fox44 aired a story on the hearing and here’s an excerpt:
“I’ve had that experience of going through the union and what it can offer,” said Kim Hokanson of the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters. “For all the women in the room it levels the playing field which is awesome right, so the training is there, the education is there, safety and all these things that everyone else has said, but it also levels the playing field, that my pay is the same as the person sitting next.”
Many described how a union allowed them to grow professionally and personally, allowing them opportunities that they might not have had otherwise.
“As a lifelong Vermonter and 20-year union member, I cannot stress enough the benefits of union membership,” explained Alex Potvin, member of the Local 693, New England States Pipe Trades Association. “They have not only paved the way for me to raise a family and have a fulfilling career in the mechanical field, but also allowed me to remain a resident of this great state.”
Note: VSEA is part of a broad labor coalition fighting for this proposal to be on the ballot for all Vermonters to vote on in 2026.