VSEA Lobby Day 2014!

Save The Date!
Tuesday February 18

8:00 AM – 4:30 PM at the State House
4:30 PM – 7:00 PM Legislative Reception at Capitol Plaza

On Tuesday, February 18, VSEA members will join with one another to tell legislators and the administration about the important state services they provide and the challenges they face to provide them. At Lobby Day, VSEA members will demonstrate their collective power and remind legislators that state employees are Vermont voters too. We’re concerned about any more cuts to state government, and we worry about the negative impact they would on our already stressed communities.

You and your colleagues are the experts in your jobs! You make Vermont work!

VSEA members know from recent history that the primary fix, to date, for Vermont’s large budget deficits has been cuts to state jobs and services. This year will probably be no exception, so state employees will need to stand up and fight back.

On February 18, stand with your colleagues and fight for the valuable services that you provide to Vermonters!

Please contact VSEA Union Organizer Josh Massey (Jmassey@vsea.org) or

VSEA Legislative Director Steve Howard (showard@vsea.org) for more information.

 Members will have to take leave time for work day events.