VSEA Asks HR How Gubernatorial Candidate Can Campaign At VSP Barracks
Update: Candidate’s campaign manager says candidate visited barracks in official capacity, but during a recent VPR debate, candidate said he swung by VSP barracks "as part of a 26.2-hour campaign tour."
Democratic Party Issues Press Release Saying That Barracks Stop Is Listed On Brian Dubie’s Schedule As A Campaign Stop!
Click To Read VSEA Letter To HR
Dubie Mixes Tax Dollars with Campaign Promotion
BURLINGTON–The Associated Press is reporting that Lt. Governor Brian Dubie used his official position to campaign at a state police barracks during a series of stops on his "26.2 Hour Marathon." This is the second time Dubie’s ethics have been called into question on the use of tax payer money for political promotion. In March, Dubie’s official staff in the lieutenant governor’s office arranged and paid for a "Jobs Tour" around the state to promote his candidacy.
"Brian Dubie has twice now used his official capacity and tax payer dollars to promote his candidacy for governor. This is unacceptable and may have even violated the law," Paul Tencher, Democratic Coordinated Campaign manager said. "These reports suggest that the actions taken by the lieutenant governor are unethical and possibly illegal."
The AP is reporting that
Dubie campaign manager Corry Bliss says Dubie was "acting in his capacity as lieutenant governor when he visited state troopers in Brattleboro…" Yet the stop was listed on Dubie’s campaign website as a stop on his "26.2 Hour Marathon Tour."In February and March. Dubie launched a publicity "Jobs Tour." The tour was listed on both his official website and his campaign website.