Policy Committee

Committee Chair: Margaret Crowley, margaret.crowley@vermont.gov

VSEA Staff Liaison: Steve Howard, showard@vsea.org

Members Serving On Committee:

  • Bob Arkley
  • Melissa Hurt
  • Eliza Novick-Smith 
  • Bob Stone
  • Tyler Wachtel

The committee will meet in accordance with the schedule established by the President.

  1. Undertake a comprehensive review of all VSEA policies and bring forward any and all recommended changes, including any “clean up” recommendations.
  2. Ensure that VSEA policies conform with VSEA Articles and Bylaws and law.
  3. Ensure that VSEA policies conform with VSEA Unit bargaining agreements.
  4. Be prepared to present and discuss all recommendations with the VSEA Board and Council.

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