VTNewsGuy Calls On Press To Ask For Specifics Of Candidates’ Broad Proposals

     "Though the Republican, should he win, will propose spending money – every governor does –his campaign centers on his pledge to cut both spending and taxes.
     OK, Mr. Lieutenant Governor: Just which programs would you cut or eliminate? Which taxes will you reduce? How much would that cost the state treasury? And precisely how would you offset the revenue loss?"

Agreed. This one really does deserve a well-defined response from all candidates running for office this year.

What To Do About State’s Mentally Ill? Issue Coming To A Head In Brattleboro

Throughout the years-long debate on ways to address Vermont’s mental health crisis, State officials maintained that fewer mental health beds would be needed in the future, contrary to what VSEA members who work in the mental health field were saying.

Who do you think is correct? 

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