Retired VSEA Member Pens Letter In Opposition To UI Benefit Cuts

"The governor’s proposals have the potential to affect every single Vermonter who unexpectedly finds him or herself laid off through no fault of their own. If the Legislature adopts the proposed benefit cuts, it will be bad for Vermont families, bad for Vermont businesses, and bad for Vermont’s economy."

Senate Kills Any Hope Of Using Rainy Day Funds. Racine/Ashe Amendments Squashed.

"Sen. Tim Ashe, D-Chittenden, agreed with Racine, saying he backed the option of using the reserve funds and if the Challenges savings were ultimately realized, the money wouldn’t be used."

Worst economy since the Great Depresssion, we’re told, but…it’s not quite bad enough yet. Vermonters ask: "When exactly will it be bad enough??"

Thanks to the 10 Senators who voted to do the right thing. Now, it’s up to the legislative/executive branches to find $38 million to plug holes–by next week!

Senate Approves Budget (With $20 Million Hole)

"We may be walking out of here with a $20 million hole in the budget," said Sen. Doug Racine, D-Chittenden. "That is a great deal of authority for the legislative branch to cede to the executive branch. After all of our deliberations somebody else is going to figure out how to balance this budget."

Uh oh…  It’s raining heavily today?? Hint, hint…

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