Is Vermont Losing Six Workers Every Day?

February 2, 2018

February 2, 2018


that Senate Pro Tem Tim Ashe is openly contesting one of the State’s primary talking points, which is that Vermont loses six workers every day, calling the statistic “completely incorrect.”

“For the last year and a half we’re getting an average of 2.3 people in the labor force,” Ashe explains. “It’s not the same as six leaving the labor force. Six can’t be leaving if we have two coming every day.”

The State is firing back, claiming Ashe is attempting “to mislead Vermonters about these facts by intentionally using a smaller timeframe to skew the numbers.”

Note: State Auditor Doug Hoffer posted a clarifying comment to the VTDigger story, writing, “It is noteworthy that while the labor force declined (mostly due to retirements), Vermont gained 20,000 new jobs. That is, not only did we fill the jobs vacated by retirees, but we created 20,000 more. So while the long-term demographic change is real, it has not yet prevented
job growth.”

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