Governor Scott Should Be Promoting The Excellent Benefits VSEA Members Have Negotiated Over Decades, Not Threatening Them

October 8, 2018  

October 8, 2018  



A new report from the Society for Human Resource Management compared 300 benefits offered by private companies versus those offered in the public sector, and the report’s authors point out they did so because states are “increasingly using benefits to attract workers.” 

From a story about the report:

“Some good news for governments is that 87 percent of millennials labeled ‘professional or career growth and development opportunities’ as important in a job, according to a 2016 Gallup poll.

Still, governments struggle in getting the word out on what they offer. 

Governments don’t do a great job of talking about all of the attractive features that we have particularly vis-à-vis the private sector,” says Robert Lavigna, director of the Institute for Public Sector Employee Engagement at CPS HR Consulting. ‘These are benefits that are more common in the public sector that could be a huge benefit to attracting talented young people to government.’”

Note: This report comes out just as VSEA members and retirees are bracing for a renewed attack on their defined benefit pension by the Scott Administration, aided by wealthy local and out-of-state corporate interests. For a Governor who constantly laments the lack of people—especially young people—moving to Vermont, he might want to read this report and follow its advice.


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