White River Junction Chapter Meeting

WRJ VSEA members, please join us on Wednesday May 29th for our next chapter meeting. As always, we will be discussing important updates from VSEA statewide as well as the forward progress locally. Our chapter was granted additional funding from the board of trustees to further support the renovation of Lauras place, I look forward to enjoying the fresh air and good conversation with you all in the updated memorial space this summer. We continue to have conversations around safety and security for the building and I would like to keep our momentum so please bring your ideas so we can brainstorm. I thank you all for your continued participation in our union and being part of the efforts to improve state employment. Look forward to seeing you all and taking another step forward.

Neil Heidelmeier
VSEA WRJ Chapter President


May 29 2024


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


White River Junction State Building
118 Prospect Street White River Junction US


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