Benefits Advisory Committee

Committee Chair:

Cindy Chornyak, 802-828-1709,

VSEA Staff Liaison: Adam Norton,

Members Serving On Committee:

  1. John Gauthier
  2. Bob Stone

The committee will meet in accordance with the schedule of the joint labor-management agreement.

Committee Goals:

  1. Monitor the costs and administration of the State employees’ health, dental and life insurance plans.
  2. Bring forward complaints and problems relating to the plans.
  3. Evaluate the design, costs and effectiveness of the plans for the membership.
  4. Critically review any proposal(s) for changes (including enhancements) to the plan(s) and participate with the VSEA bargaining teams and staff in determining approval or rejection of changes.
  5. Report to the VSEA Director and Bargaining Teams any concerns relating to the plans.

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