Thoughtful Commentary For President Obama In Advance Of State Of The Union Speech

"At this very moment, [anti-worker forces] are prepared with a scapegoat for the economic woes: unions and public employees. They have been very shrewd in using this time of crisis as an opportunity to drive a stake through the heart of the very organizations that have created the American middle class."

Grand Plan To Pit Private- Versus Public-Sector Employees?

"With [anti-worker forces] attempting to divide the non-unionized working class from the unionized working class over the issue of public sector unions, many say it’s crucial for unions not to open themselves up to the divide and conquer tactics."

National Public Employee Labor Unions Finally Begin To Punch Back

“The stakes have never been higher,” said Gerald McEntee, president of Washington-based [AFSCME], which has 1.6 million members. “We’ll be running ground operations, hitting the airwaves and taking on the forces allied against us.”

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