WDEV Debate On O’Neill’s Confirmation Does Nothing Whatsoever To Bolster Scott Admin’s Argument She Qualifies As “Neutral”

May 21, 2018 




On WDEV, VSEA Executive Director Steve Howard debated former Green Mountain Power Executive Steve Terry on the Senate’s recent vote to oppose Karen O’Neill’s confirmation to the VLRB as a "neutral." Terry recently penned a commentary that labeled the Senate’s rejection of O’Neill’s confirmation as "shameful." Obviously, VSEA and nearly all of Vermont labor disagrees with Mr. Terry’s viewpoint–as did the Senate.


Terry said little to strengthen O’Neill’s case, and he did not appear to understand the process to nominate individuals to the Review Panel, saying he believed the DOL Commissioner’s one call to an IBEW official sufficed.


VSEA’s case was supported on air by Rep. Paul Poirier, who dropped into the WDEV studio to add his analysis and by longtime labor leader Stephen Finner, who calls in near the end of the debate.


What’s your takeaway from this debate VSEA?


Howard vs. Terry begins at 59:56Listen Here

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