VSEA’s NMU Team Forced To Bargain In The Press After Shumlin Administration Goes Public

LG VSEAs NMU Team Forced To Bargain In The Press

October 15, 2015

Photo: NMU Bargaining Team meets prior to scheduled bargaining session earlier this month


VSEA’s NMU Team Forced To Bargain In The Press After Shumlin Administration Goes Public Because The Team Dared To Exercise Its Legal Right To Request A Mediator.

VSEA members belonging to the Non-Management Unit (NMU)–or the union’s largest Unit–were extremely disappointed to read details about their Team’s contract bargaining in the press yesterday. In what can only be viewed as a spiteful and amateurish move, the Shumlin Administration responded to the Team’s request on Tuesday night for a mediator by going to the press and highlighting the Team’s most costly ‘supposal’ and wrongly accusing the Team of being unbending. The State’s press release drew a harsh rebuke from NMU Bargaining Team Chair Bob Stone, who sent a message last night to NMU members’ homes.