VSEA Welcomes News That State Will Begin Vaccinating Corrections And Public Safety Employees Next Week, In Expansion Of Phase 1

From VSEA Press Release:
After weeks of imploring the Scott Administration to begin vaccinating frontline staff working in each of Vermont’s six correctional facilities against COVID-19, the Vermont State Employees’ Association (VSEA) is welcoming today’s news that, beginning next week, vaccinations will begin for these workers. VSEA is also applauding news that its members working in public safety, including State Police Lieutenants and Dispatchers, will also be vaccinated, beginning next week.
“VSEA is happy that the Scott Administration is adding these frontline workers to the initial phase of vaccinations,” says VSEA President Aimee Towne. “You read the recent reports about a disturbing rise in COVID cases at several Vermont correctional facilities, and you can appreciate why VSEA and its members working in corrections, public safety and a host of other frontline occupations are all wanting to be vaccinated sooner, not later. Today’s news is welcome and really encouraging, but VSEA will be continuing to press hard for additional frontline state employees to be vaccinated.”
VSEA and its members are still awaiting specific details on when, where and how the Scott Administration and the Department of Corrections and Department of Public Safety will be conducting employee vaccinations.
Here is an excerpt from a memo sent by DOC Commissioner James Baker to employees:
This is the first stage of vaccinating Vermont DOC staff. If you are a staff member who has been re-assigned to work in a correctional facility or are frequently working in the facility to support staffing efforts, you will be eligible to receive the vaccine. There are many details to work out. I ask you to be patient, but I expect we will be starting to vaccinate staff within the next three-to-five days. Please hold off on questions until we get details worked out. This is an important and significant step forward. The vaccine is not mandatory but I urge each of you to seriously consider taking it.