VSEA State Colleges Unit Chair Reports That A Week Of Testing On The NVU Campus Results In No COVID Cases

VSEA State Colleges Unit Chair Sandra Noyes wants to share this message with the VSEA community:

“At Northern Vermont University (Johnson and Lyndon campuses) every staff person, faculty member, and student was required last week to be tested for COVID.

I am very proud to report that all regular testing that took place, both as students arrived to campus on day 0 and then again on day 7 is complete. In all, 2,347 tests were taken with 0 positive results. The tests were conducted through the Broad Institute testing program.

Through the remainder of the semester, testing will continue bi-weekly with a random selection of faculty, staff, and students. Those identified will receive email instructions about where and when.”

Note: Very good to hear that everyone is COVID-free Sandra. Other colleges around the nation can learn from the examples NVU is setting.