VSEA HQ Designated “Donation Center!” Donations Coming In From Members! THANKS!!!

This morning, VSEA unfurled a new banner in front of HQ, designating the union’s building as a drop-off location for Vermonters to donate clothing, food and other items to Vermonters in need because of Irene. One of the first to pass beneath the new banner was Sonya Boisvert, an AOT employee who spearheaded a state employee donation drive at the National Life Building in Montpelier. She and state employee Jonathan Goddard delivered a huge amount of goods to HQ this morning, and VSEA thanks the National Life employees for their kindness.

Kyle Mooney, a state employee in Williston, came by HQ last night to drop off a big load that she had collected as well. Thanks Kyle!

Keep the donations coming VSEA!