VSEA Files Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) To Contest State Implementing Policy Before Bargaining Impact With Union

March 7, 2019 

March 7, 2019 


On February 20, VSEA President Dave Bellini sent a letter to Governor Scott, requesting he suspend his recently implemented infants-at-work policy because his administration failed to negotiate beforehand with VSEA about its impact on workplaces and employees. A few weeks later, andthe Governor has yet to reply to Bellini, so VSEA filed a formal unfair labor practice this morning with the Vermont Labor Relations Board. VSEA’s ULP contends that the State’s actions illegally undermine the union by offering changes in benefits or rights without negotiating with the union.

VSEA has fought for its members’ right to childcare, parental leave, and other ways to adapt the state workplace to the needs of state employees and their families. If the State had met its legal obligation to negotiate before implementing its proposal, VSEA is confident an agreement would have been reached and that the end result would have actually been improved with the collective input from the VSEA membership.

Please note that VSEA’s ULP does not talk at all about the policy’s perceived impact on workplaces and employees, as those discussions would occur in the statutorily mandated bargaining process.

View VSEA’s ULP ​Here.


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