VSEA Effort To Represent Deputy State’s Attorney Employees and Sheriffs Gets Bogged Down In Minutiae

Here’s what this story boils down to, from the July 12 Brattleboro Reformer:

“They are paid through the State payroll system, they have State e-mail and their pay and benefits are administered through the Department of Human Resources,” [VSEA Associate General Counsel Abigail] Winters explains. “They do, in fact, work for the State.” In VSEA’s representation petition to the VLRB, Winters spelled out VSEA’s argument even further, writing “Deputy State’s Attorneys are subject to a statewide pay plan established by the State of Vermont Department of Human Resources.  These workers have been erroneously denied bargaining unit representation without any statutory basis and have not been able to engage in collective bargaining with respect to their pay, benefits and working conditions, in violation of SELRA.”