VSEA Bargaining Team’s Foresight Leads To Wage Increase For VSEA-Represented Vermont State Police Lieutenants

November 8, 2018  

November 8, 2018  



VSEA Labor Relations Director Gary Hoadley shared this message this afternoon with VSP Lts. and now he’s sharing it with the VSEA membership:

"Because of a contract provision negotiated by VSEA Bargaining Teams, Vermont State Police Lieutenants will receive a higher annual wage increase than the .6% imposed by the Last-Best-Offer (LBO) decision of the Vermont Labor Relations Board.

In August, VSEA and the State reached a negotiated settlement of the VSEA filed “Motion to Reconsider” the LBO decision that included contract language for the VSP Lieutenants to receive any wage increase in excess of .6% if the State reached agreement with the Vermont Troopers’ Association (VTA) on more favorable wage increases. In accordance with the provisions of the current Supervisory Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement, VSEA has been notified that the State of Vermont has tentatively agreed to a successor contract with the Vermont Troopers’ Association that contains a wage increase in excess of those bargained with VSEA for the VSP Lieutenants. Upon ratification by the VTA membership, wage increases of 1.25% effective in the first full payroll period in January 2019 and January 2020 respectively will be extended to the VSP Lieutenants in lieu of the scheduled .6% increase and the applicable provisions in the Supervisory Unit CBA will be changed accordingly."

Note: Nice work VSEA Bargaining Teams and Gary!


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