Two Years In, How Is COVID Impacting Your Work/Family Balance?

VSEA’s Communications Department is looking for members who are willing to share their pandemic experience on video with VSEA, lawmakers, state officials, and the public.

“We’re looking for members who want to emphasize to legislators and others how difficult it’s been to balance work and family during this health crisis and the sacrifices they and their frontline co-workers made and continue to make,” explains VSEA Communications Director Doug Gibson. “These first-person testimonials will aide VSEA in future fights, where combative legislators or state officials need a reminder of how state employees are the ones who have kept Vermont running during this pandemic, lest they conveniently forget.” 

Due to COVID-19, VSEA will conduct the interview over the phone, primarily since many State facilities and buildings still have limited or no access.  

If you would like to participate in this important VSEA video project, please complete this online form.

Thanks in advance for your consideration!