Smoke & Mirrors?

If Ms. Fastiggi is bold enough to declare on television that no one’s medication is going to be cut off, VSEA members must assume that a "direct point A to point B" list now exists and they have determined that no one will be harmed, right?

If talking with DHR, VSEA members are urged to ask for a copy of any list DHR can produce showing an equivalent exists for all 170 of the banned drugs. Your union will continue to ask as well.

Call DHR Here: 802-828-6700 (press #1 then #3).

If you can only get an answer for the drug(s) on the list that you currently take, please share this information with VSEA at and your union will begin to compile its own list, based on what members/retirees learn. Write "DHR Drug List" in your email’s subject line. Thanks in advance for the help!