Red Alert! Amendment Introduced To Eliminate State Employees’ Negotiated Year One Wage Increase

Less than a day after the House Appropriations Committee voted to approve a negotiated wage increase (mind you, in just year one of the contract, not year two) for VSEA members in the union’s Non-Management, Corrections and Supervisory Units, Rep. Cynthia Browning introduced an amendment this afternoon to not even include a year one wage increase for state employees.

Call NOW To Protect Your WAGES!

Browning’s amendment would stop employees from getting their negotiated, lump-sum payment and steps in year one of the contract.

The Browning Amendment is being voted on tomorrow (June 24)​. If approved, it would send VSEA back to the bargaining table. We can’t let that happen.

We need you to call your representatives in the House today and ask them to:

“Vote NO on the Browning Amendment!”

Find your representative’s contact information here.

Please help spread the word by sharing this information with others and asking them to make a call to their Representatives as well. Thanks in advance for your help!

What Is The “Pay Act”