First Fallout From Scott Administration’s Last-Best-Contract-Offer Is Delivery Of A New, Banned Prescription Drug List For 2019

April 3, 2018:




Update: April 3, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Adding insult to injury, Human Resources personnel informed VSEA this afternoon that THIS DRUG LIST IS ACTUALLY INCOMPLETE AND MORE DRUGS WILL BE ADDED AND MORE HURT WILL BE COMING!


And they are very serious… Scary.


WE NEED EVERYONE TO TAKE ACTION NOW! Call or email the Governor’s Office and call the Department of Human Resources to voice your anger about certain drugs being banned.

Original Post: April 3, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

One major piece of damage done to VSEA members when the VLRB ruled to implement the Scott Administration’s last best contract offer was to give the State sole discretion in decisions about:

1) What prescription drugs state employees and retirees will be offered;

2) The quantity state employees and retirees can receive; and

3) How much state employees and retirees will pay.

Not wasting any time, the Scott Administration sent a list yesterday to VSEA of all the drugs that will be banned under the new formulary, beginning in January 2019.

View List Here

There is a process available to VSEA members to appeal a drug denial, if there is not another drug available that meets the members’ needs.

Learn More About Appeal Process Here.

You can also send Governor Scott a message about his new banned drug list here.

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