Email/Letter Template

Note: This is just a guide. Your message should be written in your voice. If multiple members simply copy and paste this guide and fill in the blanks, legislators will begin to disregard the messages they are receiving.

Dear [Representative/Senator] [Their Last Name]:

My name is [Your First and Last Name], and I’m a constituent of yours from [Your Town or City]. I’ve worked as a [Your Job] for the State of Vermont for [Your Years of Service]. I wanted to reach out to ask for your support an issue that’s incredibly important to me— my retirement.

There are some proposals being discussed in the Legislature that would weaken the retirement system.

[Here refer to the talking points sheet, and include some of them— in own your words.]

I need your help. I’m hoping that you will work with your colleagues to:

  • Slow down this process.
  • Advocate for a summer study committee to look at the impact that these proposals would have on the state workforce and the Vermont economy.
  • Support the use of any available one-time money—  either federal relief or any other available funds— to address the unfunded liability.
  • Identify a dedicated revenue source to support the retirement system moving forward. One bill that would achieve this is S. 59, which would create a temporary income tax surcharge on income over $500,000.
  • Support S.43, a bill which would recognize that the agreements between the State and its employees when it comes to retirement have the full force of contract law.

I’d be happy to speak with you about this issue more; you can reach me at ________________. I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

If you get a response, please send it along to