Bylaws Committee

Committee Chair: Margaret Crowley,

VSEA Staff Liaison: Tom Abdelnour,

Members Serving On Committee:

  • Dawn Carillo
  • Molly Dalton
  • Bob Hooper
  • Terry Lefebvre
  • Terry Macaig

The committee will meet in accordance with the schedule established by the President.

Requests for changes to the schedule, or additional meetings, must be approved by the President.

Committee Goals:

  1. Annually review VSEA Articles and Bylaws for updating and changes necessary to ensure efficient and proper operations of VSEA, including organizational obligations under law.
  2. Annually review and ensure that chapter and unit articles and bylaws do not conflict with the VSEA Articles and Bylaws, and that all Chapters and Units have operational Articles and Bylaws approved by the Board of Trustees.  Make written recommendations to the chapter and units for changes that would ensure efficient and proper operations.
  3. In reviewing articles and bylaws, the committee shall solicit input from the Board of Trustees, committees, unit officers, bargaining teams, staff and membership.
  4. Prepare written report of proposals and recommended changes and explanation to the Board of Trustees at its meeting in April or May of each year, (i.e. prior to the June Council Meeting).
  5. Report to the VSEA members at annual meeting, the recommended changes to articles and bylaws.
  6. Ensure updating and posting of articles and bylaws within 30 days of the close of annual meeting or of any properly-called meeting for the purpose of amending articles or bylaws.

View Meeting Minutes Online Here

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