April 12, 2021

This week, the House Committee on Government Operations is voting on a bill that would permit the taskforce being set up to make recommendations on your retirement to be dominated by your boss and other managers. As the bill is written now, the voice of your union and other labor unions would be completely drowned out by these bosses.

If we don’t push back right now, we will lose this fight to shape the debate about the future of your retirement.

That’s why we need you to call or e-mail your Vermont House representative today to tell them that:

The Pension Taskforce and VPIC should be equally balanced between Labor and non-Labor members.

Ask them to share this message with their colleagues on the Government Operations Committee, and with the Speaker of the House.

A vote in the Committee is scheduled for Wednesday morning (April 14, 2021). Your call could be the difference in the fight stop this terrible proposal before it’s too late!

Find your Vermont House representative online or on

See Also:

President Towne Hosting Two Zoom Meetings, Following Wednesday Vote

Protect Our Pensions! Online Hub

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