Pay Act Update

Our fight to fully fund the Pay Act isn’t over, but today your union made significant progress.

This afternoon, the House Appropriations Committee adopted a plan to fully fund Year 1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreements for the Executive, State’s Attorneys and Judicial Units. This means members of these bargaining units should receive (if finally adopted by the full Legislature and signed by the Governor) the negotiated $1400 lump sum, plus steps in Year 1.

The Legislature’s plan reads that it will take up the issue of funding Year 2 of the Executive, State’s Attorneys, and Judicial Unit contracts at a later date. This could be in the fall, or it could be this coming winter when the new Legislature convenes in January 2021. Either way, your union will continue to fight for full funding of the negotiated contract.

The plan, as adopted today in committee, is being considered by the full House of Representatives and the Senate this week, prior to their July Break.

The First-Quarter Budget that will include this Pay Act language also fully funds the state employee retirement plan for Fiscal Year ’21.

I would like to thank the members who took a few minutes to reach out to their elected officials. We will certainly be asking that you do this again and that you pay close attention to candidates for the State House on the campaign trail this fall. Make sure they know what this contract means to you and your family.

Steve Howard
VSEA Executive Director

What Is The Pay Act?