"Governor Douglas said himself (cited recently in the Times Argus) that if ‘Challenges’ doesn’t go through, the only choice is to raise taxes. So, let’s raise taxes on those who can afford to pay a little more."
Unions, environmentalists and (judging by the AP story) the public support generating revenue through a plastic bag fee, but legislative leaders are unwilling to even entertain the idea. It’s possible the fee could generate $6-$9 million for Vermont, while helping our environment.
Q. Why do you think [Challenges] happened so fast?
Poirier: I think for two reasons: Gov. Douglas is accomplishing what he’s wanted to do for years, which is cut programs and cut the workforce. No. 2, it’s an election year and we have so many people running for governor or lieutenant governor that everybody wants to look like a fiscal conservative. That doesn’t help the men and women and children who are going to be hurt by this.
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Rep. Anne Donahue (R-Northfield) on Challenges For Change:
"Never in my time here have I seen remotely close to the level of usurpation of the legislative process through joint actions of the administration and legislative leadership. It is an evisceration of a representative democracy."
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