It’s About The Work Record, Not Qualifications

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April 16, 2018:


VTDigger posted a story on Friday about the VSEA campaign to stop the confirmation of Karen O’Neill to a "neutral" seat on the Vermont Labor Relations Board (VLRB). At the end of the story, Ms. O’Neill comments:


"But I strongly disagree with [VSEA’s] suggestion based on that decision that I am not qualified to serve as a neutral because I can’t ‘be reasonably considered to be able to serve as an impartial individual.’”


Nope. Not at all what VSEA is contending and please don’t allow this to be the narrative, because it’s not based in fact.


VSEA contends that Karen O’Neill should not be confirmed as a "neutral" because her work history (which only just concluded) is not consistent with the statute’s definition of "neutral."


Does Karen O’Neill qualify for a management seat? No doubt, but that is not what is on the table here.


This is a very real threat VSEA members and retirees. If confirmed, Ms. O’Neill will serve a six-year term in her "neutral" role. Say no more.


Contact your state Senators today and tell them to oppose Karen O’Neill’s confirmation to the VLRB.


Find your Senator(s) contact information here.


Thank you!

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